Neck Liposuction
Neck Liposuction
Sculpting Elegance: Neck Liposuction Unveiled
In Chicago, neck liposuction is a very popular procedure to address the accumulation of fat in the area underneath the chin. In the right individual, neck liposuction can improve the overall look of the face and create a more elegant appearance in women and a more masculine appearance in men. The procedure typically takes 30-45 minutes to complete and is often done in the office.
Beyond its cosmetic benefits, neck liposuction with Dr. Michael J. Lee is also known for its minimal discomfort and rapid recovery. Dr. Lee's expertise ensures that patients experience little downtime, allowing them to quickly return to their daily activities with renewed confidence. With a commitment to safety, precision, and patient satisfaction, Dr. Michael J. Lee can use liposuction to achieve a sculpted neck contour and enhance facial aesthetics.
Sculpting Elegance: Neck Liposuction Unveiled
Beyond its cosmetic benefits, neck liposuction with Dr. Michael J. Lee is also known for its minimal discomfort and rapid recovery. Dr. Lee’s expertise ensures that patients experience little downtime, allowing them to quickly return to their daily activities with renewed confidence. With a commitment to safety, precision, and patient satisfaction, Dr. Michael J. Lee can use liposuction to achieve a sculpted neck contour and enhance facial aesthetics.
Frequently Asked Questions
Good candidates have smooth, healthy skin with no significant hanging skin. Typically, candidates are in their 20s, 30s, and maybe early 40s. If an individual is overweight, losing weight is critical to a successful outcome with neck liposuction, or fat from excess weight may remain underneath the muscles of the neck which can contribute to the full look in this area. If there is excess skin or muscle, a Neck Lift with Liposuction may be a better option.
The most common technique for Neck Liposuction is performed with a small syringe and cannula. This process is called Liposculpture. This technique provides a gentle and precise way to remove the fat without damaging the muscle or the skin. It is less painful and causes minimal bruising and swelling.
Other techniques include Laser Liposuction with SMART Lipo technology which may tighten the skin as well. Dr. Lee will go over the different techniques to see which would be best for you during your consultation.
Every patient has unique needs and aesthetic goals when it comes to contouring the neck, so neck liposuction pricing can vary from one patient to the next. Dr. Lee can inform you about the cost of your specific procedure after meeting with you in a consultation and developing your personalized treatment plan.
Frequently Asked Questions
Good candidates have smooth, healthy skin with no significant hanging skin. Typically, candidates are in their 20s, 30s, and maybe early 40s. If an individual is overweight, losing weight is critical to a successful outcome with neck liposuction, or fat from excess weight may remain underneath the muscles of the neck which can contribute to the full look in this area. If there is excess skin or muscle, a Neck Lift with Liposuction may be a better option.
The most common technique for Neck Liposuction is performed with a small syringe and cannula. This process is called Liposculpture. This technique provides a gentle and precise way to remove the fat without damaging the muscle or the skin. It is less painful and causes minimal bruising and swelling.
Other techniques include Laser Liposuction with SMART Lipo technology which may tighten the skin as well. Dr. Lee will go over the different techniques to see which would be best for you during your consultation.
Every patient has unique needs and aesthetic goals when it comes to contouring the neck, so neck liposuction pricing can vary from one patient to the next. Dr. Lee can inform you about the cost of your specific procedure after meeting with you in a consultation and developing your personalized treatment plan.