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Neck Lift
Neck Rejuvenation: Restoring Elegance with Neck Lift
A neck lift, which is also known as a platysmaplasty, is a procedure that tightens the muscles in the neck and may remove some of the skin. This procedure also helps create a more defined jawline. Wrinkles, sagging skin, and folds under the chin are often some of the first signs of aging. With a neck lift, patients can address these aging signs and restore a youthful-looking neck.
Dr. Lee’s approach is individualized to address the specific shape of each patient. Some patients have excess fat and minimal excess skin. Other patients may have a small bony structure. Dr. Lee ensures the best and safest approach is performed to address these concerns. A neck lift can correct the aging neck by gently pulling the target areas and restoring volume.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is a good candidate for a Neck Lift?
Changes in the neck can start even in the early thirties. Most feel that their changes are hereditary and can see a similar look in either one or both of their parents.
Sometimes the changes are loose skin underneath the neck; other times it is fat and has a double chin look. Finally, the muscle called the platysma can get loose and look like bands and folds in the neck area. When these changes occur and are visible, they can be improved with surgery.
Patients often ask what the appropriate age for surgery should be. Dr. Lee feels that when these changes are visible, that is the appropriate time as long as there are no other medical or emotional reasons why surgery should not occur. It is easier to correct minimal changes and can often lead to a more long-lasting result and more natural result when the changes are minimal.
Good candidates for this form of neck plastic surgery should have no or little medical problems including heart disease or strokes. They should stop smoking for at least 3 weeks prior and 3 weeks after surgery to minimize skin complications.
Finally, good candidates for surgery should have realistic expectations for surgery to have an improvement in the areas that bother them but not strive for an unnatural look or surgical look.
Who is a good candidate for Early Intervention Neck Lift™?
Dr. Lee has developed a new technique for addressing early changes to the neck which may occur in the early thirties which may be performed in the office to create a long-lasting, tighter and more defined neckline for patients who have small changes and are nonsmokers with no significant medical problems as well as no significant weight issues. The incisions are hidden behind the ear and underneath the chin.
Please call and ask about this procedure to see if you are a candidate.
What should I expect after Surgery?
You may experience some mild pain after surgery, but it can usually be controlled with medication. Bruising and swelling are common, but they can be kept to a minimum by applying a cold compress during the recovery and healing process. If a dressing is used, then it will be removed within 1-2 days. Sutures and staples will be removed within 5-10 days.
How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost?
The details of each patient’s Neck Lift determine the surgery’s cost. The final price of a Neck Lift procedure will be impacted by the total procedure time, the techniques utilized, the amount of tissue removed, and more.
Why consider Dr. Lee for a Neck Lift/Facelift?
Dr. Lee has developed a few new techniques in Facelift and Neck Lift procedures which create a stronger jawline and neckline in early candidates for the Early Intervention Neck Lift™ procedure which can minimize the size of the scar by combining the skin with the fascia known as the SMAS.
The most important consideration in Facelift or Neck Lift procedures is keeping the overall look natural and conservative to create a “rested” look and a more youthful and vital look.
The most important changes in philosophy for Dr. Lee have been that the goal of rejuvenation is not to over-pulling the skin but to remove excess skin, lift the underlying tissues, and recreate the volume and three-dimensional structure of the face.